Innéisme Remix

My Jazzy Child
In 2021, Damien Mingus, aka My Jazzy Child, was back in business with his 8th album. Innéisme takes us once again to the Parisian musician’s first inspirations: putting collages and experimentation before melody. Except now, he's adding ethnomusicology.

In 2022, he entrusted his works to six electronic artists as diverse as his own influences: Rubin Steiner, Mondkopf, Praktika, I:Cube, Domotic and Mikado Koko.

The collaboration has resulted in a rich, dance-worthy, experimental, shamanic and tunnel-like music that, above all, passionately celebrates freedom.

  • Produced by My Jazzy Child
  • Digital only
Tags: Electronic, Experimental, Abstract, Remix